What is the prescriptive filing period of SSS disability benefit?


The deadline for claiming SSS disability benefits is within 10 years from the onset of disability. This means individuals must file their claims within a decade from the date they became disabled to qualify for benefits.

It’s crucial to understand that failing to file within this timeframe could result in ineligibility for benefits, regardless of meeting other criteria.

For more details on SSS disability benefits and the application process, refer to the following resources:

  1. SSS website: https://www.sss.gov.ph/sss/appmanager/pages.jsp?page=disability
  2. Moneygment: https://moneygment.ph/2020/09/how-to-claim-your-sss-disability-benefit/
  3. Social Protection Toolbox: https://www.socialprotection-toolbox.org/practice/philippines-disability-benefit

If you require further assistance or have inquiries regarding the filing process, please reach out to SSS directly through their hotline at 1455.

CashLoanPH Changed status to publish 20/02/2024