BDO Exchange Rate Today [Latest update] - Indicative Foreign Exchange Rate as of December 22, 2024

Currency Code (Name)
Bank's Buy Rate (in PHP)
Bank's Sell Rate (in PHP)
USD(US Dollar) 58.6500 59.1500
AED(Arab Emirates Dirham) 13.5700 16.1200
AUD(Australian Dollar) 35.7400 37.0200
BHD(Bahraini Dinar) 131.4300 158.0300
BND(Brunei Dollar) 37.2000 43.5300
CAD(Canadian Dollar) 39.7500 41.1400
CHF(Swiss Franc) 63.7200 65.9800
CNY(Chinese Yuan) 7.4134 8.1045
EUR(Euro) 60.2500 61.7500
GBP(Pound Sterling) 72.7200 74.8800
HKD(Hong Kong Dollar) 7.4688 7.6486
IDR(Indonesian Rupiah) 0.0031 0.0037
JPY(Japanese Yen) 0.3711 0.3840
KRW(South Korean Won) 0.0362 0.0416
LYD(Libyan Dinar) 0.0000 0.0000
SAR(Saudi Riyal) 13.4900 15.7500
SGD(Singapore Dollar) 42.1819 43.6587
THB(Thai Baht) 1.5491 1.7254
TWD(New Taiwan Dollar) 1.5551 1.8288

Check lastest update at source:


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7899 Makati Avenue, Makati City 0726, Philippines Hotline: (+632) 8888-0000 For online banking enrollment and/or updating registered contact information of overseas clients, contact [email protected].
Trunkline: (+632) 8840-7000 Outside Metro Manila For phishing reports, send an email to [email protected].
  (PLDT/Globelines): #8888-0000 (IAC) +800-8-CALLBDO (2255-236)
  (For landline only, press # followed by 8888-0000) (See list of IAC here)