BDO Exchange Rate Today [Latest update] - Indicative Foreign Exchange Rate as of December 22, 2024
Currency Code (Name)
Bank's Buy Rate (in PHP)
Bank's Sell Rate (in PHP)
USD(US Dollar) | 58.6500 | 59.1500 |
AED(Arab Emirates Dirham) | 13.5700 | 16.1200 |
AUD(Australian Dollar) | 35.7400 | 37.0200 |
BHD(Bahraini Dinar) | 131.4300 | 158.0300 |
BND(Brunei Dollar) | 37.2000 | 43.5300 |
CAD(Canadian Dollar) | 39.7500 | 41.1400 |
CHF(Swiss Franc) | 63.7200 | 65.9800 |
CNY(Chinese Yuan) | 7.4134 | 8.1045 |
EUR(Euro) | 60.2500 | 61.7500 |
GBP(Pound Sterling) | 72.7200 | 74.8800 |
HKD(Hong Kong Dollar) | 7.4688 | 7.6486 |
IDR(Indonesian Rupiah) | 0.0031 | 0.0037 |
JPY(Japanese Yen) | 0.3711 | 0.3840 |
KRW(South Korean Won) | 0.0362 | 0.0416 |
LYD(Libyan Dinar) | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
SAR(Saudi Riyal) | 13.4900 | 15.7500 |
SGD(Singapore Dollar) | 42.1819 | 43.6587 |
THB(Thai Baht) | 1.5491 | 1.7254 |
TWD(New Taiwan Dollar) | 1.5551 | 1.8288 |
Check lastest update at source:
BDO Corporate Center | BDO Contact Center | Email Contact |
7899 Makati Avenue, Makati City 0726, Philippines | Hotline: (+632) 8888-0000 | For online banking enrollment and/or updating registered contact information of overseas clients, contact [email protected]. |
Trunkline: (+632) 8840-7000 | Outside Metro Manila | For phishing reports, send an email to [email protected]. |
(PLDT/Globelines): #8888-0000 | (IAC) +800-8-CALLBDO (2255-236) | |
(For landline only, press # followed by 8888-0000) | (See list of IAC here) |