PesoRedee Company’s contact numbers, email address for Complaints Mechanism

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PesoRedee is a reputable financial institution duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), holding Registration Number CS201804564 and CA Number 1165. Our headquarters are located at Unit 204 Pacific Center Condominium, 33 San Miguel Ave, Brgy. San Antonio, Pasig.

At PesoRedee, we offer flexible loan options tailored to suit your needs. Borrow any amount between ₱1,000 to ₱20,000, with repayment periods spanning from 3 to 6 months. Our competitive interest rates stand at 11.9% per month, translating to an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 143%.

Experience hassle-free processing and swift approval with PesoRedee. Say goodbye to the complexities of collateral requirements and lengthy procedures. Apply now and receive approval within 24 hours, ensuring you access the cash you need promptly. Trust PesoRedee for your financial solutions.

Name of the Company Peso Redee Financing Co. Inc.
Online Lending Platform
Company’s contact numbers for Complaints Mechanism (landline/s and/ or mobile numbers) 9952018366
Company’s email address for Complaints Mechanism [email protected]
CashLoanPH Changed status to publish 24/04/2024