Mistakes to Avoid While Taking a Personal Loan


Personal loans have become an important tool for people to access finance when they need it urgently. It is a powerful tool that offers you quick and easy access to money, without having to provide any collateral. Personal loans provide a way for people to obtain financing for a range of purposes such as buying a car, financing a startup, home renovations or to pay off medical bills.

A personal loan is a type of loan that is unsecured, which means that it does not require collateral. Instead, the lender will evaluate your creditworthiness and ability to repay the loan, and use this information to determine whether or not to approve your loan application. If you are approved for a personal loan, the lender will tell you how much money they are willing to lend you, the interest rate, and the repayment schedule.

It’s important to note that acquiring a personal loan can be tricky and requires careful consideration, so as to avoid mistakes that can lead to losing money or even risking your credit score. In this article, CashLoanPH will explore the most common mistakes that people tend to make while applying for a personal loan, and ways of avoiding them.

Overestimating Your Repayment Capacity

One of the most common mistakes that people make is overestimating their repayment capacity. Repayment capacity refers to the maximum amount of money that you can borrow from the lender and still pay back the loan in full. The higher your repayment capacity, the lower the interest rate that you will have to pay for borrowing money. Hence, taking more than you can realistically repay will lead to late payments, affecting your credit score and incurring additional fees.

It is important to assess your current situation and determine whether you can afford all the payments that you will need to make each month. It is easy to think that you can repay a personal loan as soon as possible after taking it out, but it is not always possible for everyone. It is therefore important to calculate exactly what you can afford to repay in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Approaching too Many Lenders

Another mistake that applicants make is approaching too many lenders in a short span of time. It is essential to understand that credit reports are a snapshot of your financial history, and each time you seek a loan from a lender, a query is raised on your report. The more inquiries, the lower your score. If you approach several lenders in a short span of time, it will make you look like a credit-hungry person. This will negatively affect your credit score, lowering your chances of getting a loan approval from banks, or it may lead to a higher interest rate on loans.

The best practice would be to research the lender’s qualifications and eligibility criteria, then prepare and ensure that your application meets their criteria before applying.

Being Unaware of Your Credit Score

Most personal loans don’t require you to have a credit score, but you may be surprised by the minimum credit score requirement for some lenders. If you don’t know your credit score, it’s a good idea to find out before applying for a loan so that you can make sure the loan is beneficial to your financial situation.

Your credit score is an important number that determines how much interest you pay on any loans you take out. It will also determine whether or not you qualify for the best rates and terms. If you don’t have a good credit score, this could mean paying higher interest rates and fees during the life of your loan.

Fortunately, access to your credit score is easy, and there are free online tools and websites that you can use to check your credit score.

Not Reading the Fine Loan Print

Failure to read and comprehend the agreement terms is a common mistake made by borrowers. When you’re applying for a personal loan, many lenders require that you read the fine print. This is because there are several additional costs associated with most loans, and these costs can add up quickly if you don’t understand them upfront.

For example, if your loan has an origination fee, this fee will be added to your balance after making your first payment on the loan. You should also be aware that some lenders may charge late fees or penalties based on how long it takes you to repay the loan. These fees are not included in the principal amount of your loan, so they can quickly eat away at your available cash flow if you don’t know they exist beforehand.

By taking the time to review the loan agreement thoroughly and asking questions where necessary, you can ensure that you’re aware of all the trap costs and avoid surprises that may negatively affect your finances.

Taking out a Longer Loan than Necessary

Another common mistake that applicants make is taking out a longer-term loan than necessary. It is important to note that the longer the loan, the more interest you will pay, and the higher your monthly payments will be. This in turn will increase the total cost of the loan, making it more expensive than it needed to be.

It is better to take out a short-term loan with an interest rate that is lower than the one offered by your bank or credit union. This ensures that you can afford to pay it back in full quickly and avoid paying too much in interest. Generally, a short-term personal loan will have higher monthly repayments, compared to a longer loan, but the overall costs remain lower.

Opting for a Longer Tenure with Lower EMIs

Another mistake to avoid while taking out a personal loan is opting for a longer tenure with lower EMIs. Generally, borrowers choose longer tenures to reduce their interest rates. But they overlook the fact that with a longer tenure, you have to pay more interest.

If your income allows, then it would be better to go for a shorter loan term, even though you may have to make higher payments, this will help to reduce the total amount you would pay in interest over the loan’s lifetime.


It’s important to note that personal loans offer a quick solution credit facility, but can quickly lead to adverse effects on your finances if care is not taken. Avoiding the mistakes mentioned above will help you secure a loan within your repayment capacity, reduce the loan’s overall cost, and improve your credit score. Always take the time to search for the right lender, do your research, read the loan agreement’s fine print thoroughly and ensure that the loan is beneficial to your financial situation. This will ensure that you make informed decisions when taking a personal loan.

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CashLoanPH Changed status to publish 10/04/2023