Where to Report Harassment by Online Lending Apps (OLA) in the Philippines?

The rise of online lending apps (OLAs) has provided convenient access to financial services for many individuals in the Philippines. However, with this convenience comes the potential for abuse and harassment by certain unscrupulous OLAs. If you find yourself experiencing harassment from an OLA in the Philippines, it is crucial to know where to turn for assistance and to report these incidents.

In this article, CashLoanPH will guide you through the various agencies and organizations where you can report OLA harassment, ensuring that your concerns are addressed and appropriate actions are taken.

5+ Places to Report OLA Harassment in the Philippines 2024

#1. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)

If the OLA involved is a bank or a non-bank financial institution under the supervision of the BSP, you can file a complaint with the BSP’s Consumer Affairs Department. The BSP is the central bank of the Philippines, responsible for maintaining monetary stability and promoting a sound financial system.

To report OLA harassment to the BSP, you can contact their Consumer Affairs Department through the following channels:

#2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

If the OLA is not a bank or a non-bank financial institution, you can file a complaint with the SEC’s Enforcement and Investor Protection Department. The SEC is the government agency mandated to regulate the securities industry and protect investors in the Philippines.

To report OLA harassment to the SEC, you can reach out to their Enforcement and Investor Protection Department using the following contact details:

#3. National Privacy Commission (NPC)

If you suspect that your data privacy rights have been violated by the OLA, you can file a complaint with the NPC. The NPC is responsible for protecting personal data privacy and ensuring compliance with data protection laws in the Philippines.

To report OLA harassment related to data privacy issues, you can contact the NPC’s Customer Care Center through the following means:

#4. NBI Cyber Crime Division

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has a dedicated division, the Cyber Crime Division, to handle cybercrime-related cases, including those involving OLA harassment. The NBI is a government agency responsible for investigating and combating criminal activities in the Philippines.

To report OLA harassment to the NBI Cyber Crime Division, you can use the following contact details:

#5. PNP Anti-Cyber Crime Group

The Philippine National Police (PNP) operates an Anti-Cyber Crime Group to address cybercrimes and online harassment, including cases involving OLAs. The PNP is the principal law enforcement agency in the Philippines, tasked with maintaining peace and order.

To report OLA harassment to the PNP Anti-Cyber Crime Group, you can utilize the following methods:

  • Address: Col. Lagman Street, Bagong Lipunan Camp Crame, Quezon City, 1100.
  • Hotline: Dial 8723-0401 local 7491.
  • Smart/Viber: Contact +639618298083.
  • Social Media: Reach out to them on Facebook at Facebook.com/anticybercrimegroup or Twitter: @pnpacg.

#6. Other Reporting Options

In addition to the aforementioned agencies, there are a few other organizations where you can report OLA harassment:

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

While the CFPB is a United States government agency, it accepts complaints regarding unfair, deceptive, and abusive financial practices from individuals outside the United States as well. If you believe your OLA harassment case falls under their purview, you can file a complaint with the CFPB.

To report OLA harassment to the CFPB, you can choose one of the following methods:

  • Online: Access the CFPB’s website and file a complaint using their online platform.
  • Phone: Call their helpline to speak with a representative and file your complaint.

Federation of Filipino Consumers (FFC)

The FFC is a non-government organization in the Philippines that aims to protect and promote the rights of consumers. They advocate for consumer welfare and address issues related to unfair business practices, including those involving OLAs.

To report OLA harassment to the FFC, you can reach out to them through the following means:

  • Online: Visit the FFC’s website and submit your complaint using their online complaint form.
  • Phone: Contact their hotline to discuss your concerns and file a complaint.

Additional Steps to Take When Reporting OLA Harassment

Apart from reporting the harassment to the appropriate agencies and organizations, there are several additional steps you can take to strengthen your case and protect yourself:

  • Keep a detailed record of all communications with the OLA, including text messages, emails, and phone calls. This documentation will serve as evidence of the harassment.
  • Capture screenshots or take photographs of any threatening or harassing messages you receive from the OLA. These visual records can be valuable when presenting your case.
  • Contact the OLA directly and clearly express your desire for them to cease the harassment. This step notifies them of the issue and gives them an opportunity to address it.
  • If the OLA harassment persists despite your efforts, consider filing a police report. This formal complaint escalates the matter and involves law enforcement in the resolution process.


Experiencing harassment from an online lending app (OLA) can be distressing and overwhelming. However, it is important to remember that you are not alone in this situation. By reporting the harassment to the appropriate agencies, such as the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), National Privacy Commission (NPC), NBI Cyber Crime Division, and PNP Anti-Cyber Crime Group, you take a crucial step towards seeking justice and preventing others from going through similar experiences.

Additionally, alternative reporting options like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federation of Filipino Consumers (FFC) can provide further avenues for addressing OLA harassment. By following the additional steps outlined in this article, such as maintaining records, capturing evidence, and contacting the OLA directly, you enhance the strength of your case and ensure that your concerns are taken seriously.

Remember, reporting OLA harassment not only protects your own rights but also contributes to safeguarding others from facing similar mistreatment. Together, we can create a safer online lending environment in the Philippines.

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